Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year's Resolution?

Perhaps this is my new year's resolution: work on my blog. I've started and stopped a few times (you can tell from prior entries). This year a few big things have happened that merit reflection -- even if no one ever reads this! LOL. So, the first big professional thing that happened is that I was appointed to a tenure track position. Yippee! After reading camperkev's blog, I realized the power of the blog to track important life events, learning, and so on ... As I move through the next few years of the tenure and promotion experience, this blog can help document my own learning and professional development. So, that's what I'll blog about without worrying about perfect language, interesting insights, or re-tweetable ideas. The next big event this year is having an article published in the Community College Review (January 2011) issue. Woohoo! I've started on the next article by submitted a proposal for the upcoming annual conference for the Council for the Study of Community Colleges. I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of being a faculty member. While there are challenges and I often doubt myself, I never doubt that I'm where I'm meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. Suite! I've been referenced by a published author! I have to now look up how to cite the blog APA style.

    Congrats on the TT position by the way...well are a great asset to the UOP program.

    Welcome back to the digital fray.....
