Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ready to Head Home

I've been here in New Orleans since last Wednesday night. The two conferences have been great: the first focused on research, the second on practice. Both provided opportunities to network, learn about research, and hear about some of the innovative practices at community colleges. Most colleges are facing the same issues no matter where they are in the U.S.: increasing enrollment, shrinking revenues, and vacancies at the executive leadership level that they can't fill. There are really some tremendous opportunities for people who want to become college Vice Presidents and Presidents; yet, the daunting challenges are keeping many away. I'm looking forward to studying (and reporting on) those colleges that are investing in professional development and succession planning. It's so important to develop folks who are really excited about stepping into these key leadership positions. So, future leaders ... think about it. What do you need to do to prepare yourself for the next steps? There are lots of professional development activities -- check out AACC: there's the Future Leaders Institute and other activities. For student affairs professionals, look to NASPA: there's the Stevens Institute, new SSAO institute, and many others. Develop a strategic plan for your professional development -- we need you!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Disclaimer: I'm typing quickly before a lunch session with sun glaring on my screen. I apologize in advance for typo's -- I'll come back later to edit but wanted to post an update from the last two days as soon as I could and while my thoughts on the sessions were fresh. (It's later now & I'll add the links and correct typo's!)

Here's why I love conferences: I learn so much!!! Yesterday the CSCC conference ended at 3:00 and by 3:30 I was in the "new attendee" session for AACC. I even managed to find people I know from my former district :-) This morning I attended a session on connecting research and practice -- here are the positive outcomes from that session: networking with other researchers (I feel like I'm really a scholar now ... it's hard to explain...but it's about identity development: my sense of who I am as a university faculty member is really deepening this year) and talking about ideas for projects...and here's the thing: they are excited about my research on leadership development and succession planning -- and practitioners are also excited about this. Larry Ebbers from Iowa State is a great mentor and colleague. The second session was on using social media to help shape a college's image. Check out Fox Valley Technical College to see how they're using social media. I started thinking about how I could apply the strategies on an individual level -- to network, find out about other research, and to (quite frankly) promote my own work. So many ideas and way too little time to write before lunch ...